Sustainability During the Holiday Season

Sustainability During the Holiday Season

The holiday season can be a time of gathering with a lot of friends and family. But it doesn’t not have to be a time that creates a lot of waste. Being sustainable doesn’t have to be too much work. Here is a list of five ways to incorporate sustainable practices that can become habits to make your holiday lifestyle greener.

Wrapping Paper

Decorative wrapping paper makes up a considerable amount of holiday waste that ends up in landfills. This year try using something from around your home such as newspapers, pages of old books, or extra fabric. There are also plenty of brands that offer decorative papers that are compostable and decompose. 

Sustainable Ornaments

Long before plastic was commercialized, people celebrated Christmas with decorations the same way that we do. Instead of purchasing plastic ornaments that will break easily, consider adding sustainable options like dried oranges or popcorn garland to your tree. 

To Tree or Not to Tree

Over seven million trees are cut down every year to celebrate the holidays. Trees are important to our ecosystems and our well-being. Despite what you may think, real trees are the more sustainable option. Fake trees are made up of materials that do not decompose, whereas real trees do. The foresting industry also manages the health of ecosystems to make sure there is no overcutting. 

Holiday Lights

Lowering the impact of your holiday lighting can be a huge help when it comes to being sustainable. Switching to LED bulbs is a great way to lower your energy usage. Using solar-powered lights is also a great way to cut your energy bill.

Homemade Cards

Not everyone makes holiday cards, but this is a tradition that many families practice. Using materials found in your home, rather than purchasing online can cut costs and create one-of-a-kind art to share with your friends and family. 

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